About Us

Grab and Go Baby is the preeminent source for all of your baby travel system rental needs

As an avid traveler, I know that the holy grail of traveling is  “packing light”. As a mom who has traveled with her children, the notion of “packing light” is almost unattainable. During our last trip to Florida, we picked a hotel that was centrally located and we decided to forgo the stroller, car seat and the pack and play that we usually drag around. Big mistake.

The first day that we wanted to go to the beach that was less than a mile away, and unreachable by foot, we realized our mistake. All the car services had no car seats, we were stuck. I decided to google to see if any company provided car seats to tourists and lucky enough, I found one. Vacation saved. This got me thinking about providing such a service to the Greater Boston area. We are Grab and Go Baby! Bring the baby, leave the bulk.

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